What’s the perfect workplace temperature?

What’s the perfect workplace temperature?

The weather’s been a rollercoaster ride over the past few months - hot then cold, then hot again. Keeping your workplace at an optimum temperature is important not only for the comfort of your workforce but also for their productivity and safety.

What is the right temperature?

Although the law doesn’t state a minimum or maximum temperature, it does say that the temperature in workrooms should normally be at least 16°C (or 13°C if much of the work involves rigorous physical effort). Also, Regulation 7 in The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 deals specifically with the temperature in indoor workplaces, it states that: “During working hours, the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings shall be reasonable. However, of course, the application of the regulation depends on the nature of the workplace, such as a bakery, a cold store, an office, a warehouse.” Fitting air conditioning can help you regulate the temperature easily. ?

Improve productivity

Not only can temperature affect comfort, but it can also affect productivity. A study examining the impact of temperature on worker productivity in a factory in India** found that productivity dropped by as much as 4% per degree when temperatures rise above 27 degrees celsius. You could increase your businesses output by fitting air conditioning to control the temperature of your place of work and create the ideal work environment.

Covid safe

We’re certain that the safety of your co-workers is of paramount importance - especially following the pandemic. The Health and Safety Executive “The risk of air conditioning spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace is extremely low as long as there is an adequate supply of fresh air and ventilation.” An air conditioning unit can provide an adequate supply of fresh air and ventilation by keeping a constant movement of air and assisting any ventilation systems to achieve the suggested air changes. You can read a more in-depth analysis of covid-19 and the air conditioning units we install here.

If you’d like to talk to us about how air conditioning can help to improve productivity, keep your workforce safe and comfortable contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote.

When the heat is on,
let ACS cool you down!

Get in touch with us today to find out more about any of our services, to request a quotation or to organise your free survey to see how our services can benefit you.

Toshiba, Fujitsu, Daikin, Gree, Hitachi, LG, Mitsubishi Ecolution Toshiba, Fujitsu, Daikin, Gree, Hitachi, LG, Mitsubishi Ecolution