5 reasons you should fit air conditioning in your home office this summer

5 reasons you should fit air conditioning in your home office this summer

Many of us will be working from home this summer -  and it’s set to be a hot one. But how do you stay comfortable, without making sacrifices, in your home office environment? 

In a recent study* 85% of employees said that the most important factors for their ideal workplace were cleanliness, comfort, lighting and air quality. Fitting air conditioning in your home office will not only tick comfort and air quality off this list, but also offers many more benefits that you could be taking advantage of. Here are five:

1. Increase your productivity

Did you know that the temperature of your working environment affects your productivity? 

A study examining the impact of temperature on worker productivity in a factory in India** found that productivity dropped by as much as 4% per degree when temperatures rise above 27 degrees celsius.

You could increase your output by fitting air conditioning to control the temperature of your home office and create the ideal work environment. 

2. Not just for summer…

Air conditioning can not only cool, but also, heat your home office. Meaning that when you invest in an air conditioning unit it won’t sit dormant in the height of winter, you can use it to ensure you’re comfortable in your work space all year round.

The benefits don’t stop there, as air conditioning units are energy efficient, and you can use them throughout your home as an alternative to traditional heat sources. 

3. Totally child friendly

Your children are now at home more than ever before, so you’ll be wanting to find an alternative to open fans to cool your home safely this summer. 

Fitting air conditioning offers peace of mind and more; air conditioning aids sleep in well insulated modern houses where children’s bedrooms can become uncomfortably warm in the summer months. 

Modern air conditioning units are also whisper quiet, ensuring that your little one can fall asleep in ultimate comfort.

4. Control your air con with your mobile phone

Air conditioning units are not only safe and energy efficient these days, but now, they’re so easy to use that you can control them by using the wifi on your mobile phone.

You’re on a conference call and you’re beginning to feel really hot and bothered. It’s not the subject of the meeting that’s making you sweat, but the temperature of the room. Imagine being able to control your home office temperature from your desk, without missing a second of your call.  

5. Modern sleek and elegant designs different colour options

No doubt you’ve had time to convert your home office space into a desirable room to spend your working day in, and you certainly don’t want to spoil it by installing a big white air conditioning unit on the wall. 

The great news is that modern air conditioning units come in all shapes and sizes. Gone are the days of unsightly white boxes whirring away in the corner of the room. 

There are so many options to choose from that you can match your air conditioning unit to your decor and style. 

The ACS team would be more than happy to guide you through the many advantages that air conditioning can offer you and your home office this summer. Contact us today for a free, no obligation quote.




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